Ryan and Don have known each other for years. Between raising kids together, hunting, fishing and many stories, they are still best friends to this day.
Mason Patrick - Groomsman
Michelle's son Mason is 11 years old and the kindest sweetest and smartest boy ever!
Madalyn Patrick - Bridesmaid
Michelle's Daughter Madalyn is 14 years old and a sporty, little hot shot. Such a beautiful and kind girl!!
Bryannah Shea - Bridesmaid
Bryannah is 22 years old and Ryans beautiful daughter. So close to getting her Nursing Degree!!
Trystin Shea - Groomsman
Ryans son Trystin is 25 years old and has a beautiful baby boy named Rhett. He works as a landscaper and is quite the mechanic!
Kamdyn Shea - Bridesmaid
Kam is 16 years old and Ryan's youngest daughter. Kam loves to hang out with her friends and her nephew Rhett! She is going into her Junior year in high school!
Lindsay Lizotte - Bridesmaid
Lindsay is Michelles sister in law. She works with children and has two kids of her own!
Abagail Cormier - Bridesmaid
Abby is Michelles Niece and is 11 years old. She is so beautiful and sweet, and loves playing sports!
Aaron Shea - Groomsman
Aaron is Ryans brother and lives in New Hampshire with his beautiful wife Jen and their two kids!
Joshua Jones - Groomsman
Josh is Ryans younger brother and has 4 sweet children. He lives in New Hampshire and works as a correction officer.
Scott Lizotte - Groomsman
Scott is Michelle's brother and lives in Gray with Lindsay and his two children. He works as a Civil Engineer and loves to cook!
Rhett - Ring Barer
Rhett is 2 years old and a little bundle of energy! He loves running around and playing with his trucks! We love Rhett so much!
Julia - Flower Girl
Beautiful Julia is 5 and such a good big sister to Lucas! Julia loves school, dance and cheer!